05 novembre 2004


H-bomb the only thing that will bring a freedom to life
Underneath the blue skies beautiful empty dying
Nagasaki dolls are burning

Europe freed by McDonald's and Levi's - born to end
Can't afford it so I hate it all - born to end
Images linger like repression - born to end
Concentration camps of our dreams - born to end

4 Commenti:

Anonymous Anonimo dice...

Quante ore ho bruciato davanti a quel giochino!!!

Blogger A.G. dice...

a chi lo dici, caro anonimo!

Anonymous Anonimo dice...

Gran gioco... ma come si chiamava?
Civil War?

Falling down from Berkeley,

Blogger A.G. dice...

North & South si chiamava Amedeo, forse mi decido a venirvi a trovare quando (qua) fa piu' caldo


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